Does a high sugar diet worsen anxiety and depression?

Your thoughts are like a running commentary in your life. These thoughts help you tell the story of who you are. They influence how you feel and the actions you take. Anxious thoughts promote weak decisions and actions. While strong, calm thoughts empower your choices and actions. Part of your long-term success in any way of eating (or any aspect of your life, really) depends on how you think. And what you eat influences how you think! If you don’t change your thinking about food and health, then the results you get won’t change either. This process of changing your mental perspective is part of what I call Intelligent Eating. Scientists have known for years that the modern diet is severely overloaded in unhealthy sugars and fats. But researchers do not believe that diet causes anxiety. Rather, they believe that a high sugar diet makes anxiety symptoms worse because they make it harder for your body to cope with stress. If you watch That Sugar Film you will learn a lot about how you can feel better by eating better. In any case, eating healthy should be one of your top priorities so you can feel better and have more energy, especially if you are suffering from anxiety or depression.

This is how much sugar is in one soft drink. Yikes!